Thursday 26 April 2012

The Quest For Erebor

Scamp_Thorin&Gandalf-01 by andrewbentos

Scamp_Thorin&Gandalf-01, a photo by andrewbentos on Flickr.
Thorin and Gandalf at The Prancing Pony, the 'chance meeting' which initiated the events of The Hobbit.

"If there is one entry in the "Unfinished Tales" collection that most resembles the form of a 'deleted scene' originally intended for inclusion in the final draft [of LOTR], it's most certainly "The Quest For Erebor"

First time I've drawn any Tolkien in aaaages, really enjoyed it.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Profile Pics

RickChangParminderRickJrToniToniJr BradAlexAngelaCarlosChloeDoug JarvisKateKellyTakahashiRajNaomi KiethVladiT-BoiAliciaFernandoEva

Profile Pics, a set on Flickr.

A set of portraits for imaginary social media profiles. Try to spot the caricatures of real people.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Secret Mission to Dublin, Bob and my drawing

Well, he seems pretty pleased. Hope you like it Bob.
With thanks to Simon Birkenhead for the photos

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Secret Mission to Dublin

This was the great secret mission to Dublin, a caricature of secret guest speaker Sir Bob of Geldof. Apparently it was given to him as a present on-stage yesterday after he spoke. It's his birthday today, hence the badge. Hope he liked it

Here are some of the roughs

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Superstar DJ

Just found this little beauty poking about online today. Anyone paying attention might recognise the girls from the first few posts on this blog.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Indie Cliché #4 - Aloof Cutie-Pie singer

Musical Ability - 4

Hair - 9

Shagability - 12

Junkie Prospects - 6

Public/State School - 7/3

Thursday 6 August 2009

TZ Brainstorm!!

Originally uploaded by andrewbentos
The TZ team as it stands now.

We are discussing a possible mock YouTube Brand Channel no doubt.